AGM Update.

An update to the last post:

The Project have publicly released the minutes of their recent AGM meeting and for those of you who haven’t seen them, I have repeated them below. In a meeting that lasted “20” minutes and with “no other business.”  you won’t be surprised to see that the Project decided to omit the questions from the floor at the meeting. One can only ponder why that was?

while I’m making this post, I want to mention the two gentlemen that contacted me for information about the build and its ongoing progress. I have of course replied to you both and thank you for contacting me, especially the gentleman from the east coast of the US. It seems to be a damning verdict on the Project, that both these people contacted me saying “there was no information available anywhere about the build apart from your blog.”


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Harwich Mayflower Project


1st February 2017 at 6pm

The Heritage Centre, Harwich Mayflower Project

Apologies: Jeffrey Fidgett (Trustee) Charles Bull (Trustee)


John Acton (Trustee) Tony Wilding (Staff)
Fred Nicholls (Trustee) Liz Comley (Volunteer)
Robert Day (Trustee) Keith Thompson (Volunteer)
Tom Daly (Trustee, Chair) Terry Rogers (Public)
Lynda Chase-Gardener (Trustee, Vice Chair) Cheryl Thompson (Public)
Sean Day (Staff) K Jennings (Public)
Ashley Purvis (Staff) E Clapton (Public)
Graham Richardson (Staff) R Maughan (Public)


The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 6.00 pm, the notice having been read.


  1. Lynda Chase-Gardener (LCG) proposed and Fred Nicholls (FN) seconded a motion that the accounts for year ending 31 March 2016 together with the Board of Directors and Trustees report. Approved
  1. John Acton (JA) proposed and (FN) seconded a motion that the Trustees be permitted to appoint an Independent Financial Examiner for the ensuing year. Approved
  1. LCG proposed and (FN) seconded a motion that the Board be authorised to fix the remuneration of the Independent Financial Examiner. Approved.
  1. Tom Daly (TD) retired as Chair and Trustee and did not seek reappointment. The Chair was then taken by LCG as Vice Chair. LCG thanked TD for the time he has been involved in the project, being a voice, locally, nationally and internationally; that he has been a true ambassador of the project and will be missed although he will remain as an advisor.
  1. There were no items of any other business raised and LCG closed the meeting at 6.20 pm.

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